Category: Culture & Pleasure


Multiplexe “Ciné Forez”

Maître d’ouvrage : Mairie de Montbrison
2979m² S.H.O.N
3 767 400 € T.T.C
Concours perdu

Cinéma multiplexe

5 salles de cinéma ; 5 boites en béton recouvert de couleur ocre de pays.Une mantille en bois ajouré joue avec le programme, passant d’une simple à une double hauteur, tantôt elle ferme le restaurant tantôt elle ouvre le parvis. Sorte de ruban elle relie les salles entre elles. Ce projet est un jeu de contraste entre des formes cubiques en béton et une forme “molle” en bois.


Cinema Chalon sur Saone

Maître d’ouvrage :
€ T.T.C
Full service


Ciné quai de Saône…


Bowling – Laser game – Restaurant

Maître d’ouvrage : Bowling Amiens métropole
5000m² S.H.O.N
3 970 000 € T.T.C
Full services

Composé de 30 pistes, d’un laser game et d’un espace jeux video ce projet marque le renouveau de cet ancien batiment industriel.


L’entrée des artistes

Maître d’ouvrage : Mr Biot
416m² S.H.O.N
624 712 € T.T.C
Full services

The architecture is contemporary with wood siding treated larch raised in crate horizontal. Lacquered aluminum strips can be cut horizontal height building. Large windows open trade on its terraces. Its simple form, rectangular mirrors the new multiplex opposite. The restaurant terrace, south east, and than the bar, to the northeast, is partially covered by a wooden pergola. From the terrace, a hedge composed of small shrubs, a minimum height of 1 m 20, creates a natural screen with parking or road. It also guides the design of footpaths to entry.


Movie « Leman »

Maître d’ouvrage : SAS BEAUCINE
4537m² S.H.O.N
6 200 000 € T.T.C
Full services

The facades of an average height of ten meters fifty sails are made by concrete tinted in two shades of gray more or less supported that help provide a texture to the facades. Created negative oblique joints in the siding, just give movement volumes and end with a roof terrace. Particular care is taken to drawing of the awning of the entrance, “signal” of the building that requires her mantilla tinted aluminum Corten steel as a contrast to the sobriety of the concrete.


Movie « L’Amphi »

Maître d’ouvrage : SARL Le Paris
6210m² S.H.O.N
7 809 880 € T.T.C
Full services

Bourg en Bresse 01000

This project was born from the inspiration of buildings of similar size nearby: the market cover and MSA. This simple geometric shape is highlighted by a variation of materials.As a reminder to the covered market, the base, to a height of two meters, is made ​​of concrete Gross stained gray. Its orange varnished boxes inspired shades of frosted glass. Only input overcome, in the manner of the market covered by a vast glass canopy, offers the transparency and calls the play of light, the viewer into this lively place.


Movie « Mont-Blanc »

Maître d’ouvrage : Ciné Mont-Blanc
4260m² S.H.O.N
4 270 000 € T.T.C
Full services

Established at the entrance of Sallanches this film opens with the entrance of town. Large courtyard invites his visitors to linger before entering a wide open space on the outside. Equipped with a candy counter, a welcoming lounge visitors can expect slowly opening a few 8-screen cinema.